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West Bengal Kanyashree Prakalpa Scholarship Application Form

 WB) West Bengal Govt Kanyashree Prakalpa 2013. Kanyashree Prakalpa Application Form. Kanyashree Application Form Download. Kanyashri Prakalpa Scholarship. Kanyashri Prakalpa Scheme. Kanyashree Prakalpa cash transfer scheme. Kanyashree Prakalpa Eligibility Details. Kanyashree online application form.
Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal, August 2013
Under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, the legal age of betrothal and marriage for girls is 18 years, and for boys is 21 years. In spite of several years of this Act being in existence, the early betrothal and marriage of children continues to be a norm in the West Bengal. According to the District Level Health Survey – 3, 2007‐08 (DLHS ‐3, 2007‐08), the state ranks fifth highest in the country when it comes to the prevalence of child marriage.
In view of the above, the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, West Bengal (DWSW) formulated the Kanyashree Prakalpa – a conditional cash transfer scheme with the aim of improving the status and well being of the girl child in West Bengal by incentivizing schooling of all teenage girls and delaying their marriages until the age of 18, the legal age of marriage. Kanyashree Prakalpa is a West Bengal Government sponsored scheme which will be implemented henceforth in all districts of the state.
Kanyashri Prakalpa Eligibility Details

Eligibility: (i)Girl students of Class VIII to XII of the schools/ Madrasahs and not below age of 13 years as on 01.04.2013.

(ii)Annual income of the Family not exceeding Rs.1,20,000.

2. Annual Scholarship: Rs.500/- to a Girl student from age 13 years to 18 years & reading in Class VIII to XII.

3. One Time Grant: Rs. 25000/- to a Girl student of age 18 years above.

4. Mode of Payment: Through Any nationalized Bank Account.

5. Marital Status: Unmarried.

Through conditional benefits, Kanyashree Prakalpa (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Scheme’) aims to reduce the prevalence of child marriage in West Bengal by increasing the enrollment of girls in secondary education or vocational / sports training, and simultaneously encouraging the delay of marriages of girls until they reach the age of 18.

The specific objectives of the Scheme are to:

a. Incentivize through scholarships, the continuation of education of the girl child in Secondary and Higher Secondary classes , vocational training or sports training. To reduce drop outs, especially amongst girls from poor families, who are not covered by any other scholarship

b. Dis‐incentivise child marriage of girls to ensure compliance with the legal provisions pertaining to the minimum age at marriage.

 Availability of Applications Forms
a. Application forms for the Scheme and forms for opening up of the bank accounts will be available free‐of cost primarily at the secondary/higher secondary schools to avoid misuse. However they will also be available online in a downloadable format and from following institutions on demand:
b. Local government offices – gram panchayat, municipalities and borough offices, head office of KMC
c. Offices of Commissioner of Social Welfare and District Social Welfare Officer
d. Sub‐divisional Offices
e. Block Development Offices
f. Office of Block Medical Officer of Health/Primary Health Centers
g. With ANMs/AWCs/ASHAs

Sample Application Form for Kanyashree Prakalpa (For Annual Scholarship, To be used at Schools)

 Download - Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4

Sample Application Form for Kanyashree Prakalpa (For Girls completing 18 years of age)

 Download - Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4

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